No is Not Enough – OT/PTs Deserve Real Leadership 

When the current OT/PT chapter leadership came into office over two years ago they promised to start organizing the chapter’s rank and file – instead they have done nothing but sow division within the chapter while using their positions to pursue their own political agendas at the expense of working members.   

For the past two years OT/PT leadership has failed [and in many cases refused] to put in the necessary work to meet their campaign promises.   

Instead of using chapter meetings as a way to connect and organize, members sat through endless political rants and rehashing of personal grievances.  When members asked for in-person or hybrid meetings their chapter leader refused. 

Members were misled into believing that their chapter’s leadership was up to the task of organizing  – instead they learned that there was nothing to back up their rhetoric.

Countless OTs and PTs have stated that they believe that their chapter’s leadership misrepresented the contents of the tentative agreement in order to push a no vote.  

In the weeks following the release of the ratification results the OT/PT chapter leader was busy talking to reporters instead of members.  Finally after weeks of no communication, the chapter leadership’s separate political group sent an email encouraging people to contact the UFT, DOE and members of City Council.   Unfortunately, Clicktivism ≠ Organizing.  

So it comes as no surprise that when members asked about a plan to move forward following the no vote they learned that their leadership had none.  And when hundreds upon hundreds of members reached out to their chapter leader expressing deep concerns about next steps they were met with silence. 

Members of the OT/PT chapter deserve leadership that is responsive to their concerns even when those concerns don’t align with their own political agendas.